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Exciting Sales Growth For Flame And Fragrance

By 17th June 2016February 14th, 2024Customers
Exciting sales growth for Flame & Fragrance

What a difference having the right mobile sales system can make!

Flame & Fragrance vendor Xystos saw the difference when they went live with Blue Alligator’s SalesPresenter catalogue/order taker on the iPad. In time for the Home and Gift Fair at Harrogate.

As a long term user of a well-known PDA based handheld order taking system. They were nervous about changing systems and suppliers. However, Blue Alligator and SalesPresenter had been highly recommended by other users. Having taken the plunge, Tom Sykes (Xystos’ General Manager) was extremely pleased with the outcome:

“Getting the system going was very quick and professionally handled by Blue Alligator. Overall orders taken at Harrogate were 42% up and a significant part of this was due to the speed with which we were able to take the orders. Much faster than the previous handheld system”.

“We saved masses of paper and got the orders automatically fed into Sage much faster than before.”

Tom is optimistic about the future, and is expanding his use of Blue Alligator products:

“We are now looking forward to adding the online trade ordering facilities of CloudCart. Gearing up for a good Autumn Fair,”


Author bauser

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