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Ashleigh & Burwood "Less cancelled order lines and ultimately a happier customer." Ashleigh & Burwood are pleased with SalesPresenter sales order app Ashleigh & Burwood are pleased with SalesPresenter sales order app

Who is Ashleigh & Burwood?

Ashleigh & Burwood are a specialist home fragrance company; formed in London in 1993. They design and produce contemporary and classic home fragrance products under their signature ASHLEIGH & BURWOOD brand. Products are created to refine, to beautify and to enhance the home ambience.

Increased order size

Yes, it certainly has. Particularly the linked products facility, and also making good use of the family codes enables a lot more cross-selling. Additionally, the availability of stock information. Difficult to put a precise figure, but perhaps an increase of up to 30% in sales.”

“As you can see Ashleigh and Burwood are over the moon with our sales order app and are increasing orders day by day.”

Problems that arose?

It makes the job of communicating with reps much easier and thus fewer phone calls to the office for information on stock, or customer account/payment/order despatch/back order information.

Join Ashleigh & Burwoods Success!

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“We use agents, so their time is split across multiple companies. We can definitely say however that the availability of the information to the agent enables them to do a much better job for us than on a company not using SalesPresenter – and this translates into the agent earning more money from our products, and thus happy to spend more time selling them.”

SalesPresenter the sales order app can be found on iTunes for just £25.99 for the basic package.

“We use agents, so their time is split across multiple companies. We can definitely say however that the availability of the information to the agent enables them to do a much better job for us than on a company not using SalesPresenter – and this translates into the agent earning more money from our products, and thus happy to spend more time selling them.”

SalesPresenter the sales order app can be found on iTunes for just £25.99 for the basic package.

Currently Using SalesPresenter & CloudCart SalesPresenter CloudCart

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