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Top 5 Wholesale Bugbears!

By 10th November 2016May 4th, 2022Information
Top 5 wholesale bugbears

Processing Orders

This can cost your company numerous hours a week, especially after trade shows. Our customers that switched to SalesPresenter instead of paper orders said: “saved a month a year processing orders” Lindsey from Terrace Gardens.

Old fashioned catalogues

Printing new and innovative designs can be costly and take up time just to keep up with modern trends. Reps have to carry around bulky catalogues, and order forms and contact you often to check stock availability. Once integrated with SalesPresenter Adam at Joseph Joseph said  “Greater accuracy and speed of processing with a better presentation in front of the customer”.

Frequent mistakes

Ordering a product that’s out of stock, processing the wrong product or losing them completely these mistakes could be costly. Using SalesPresenter helps with up-to-date stock information and high tech order processing so mistakes are a rare occurrence. Our customer Anna from Award Publications said,  “Faster more efficient order taking and processing, fewer errors on input”.

Upsell and cross-selling

Using paper catalogues your upselling and cross-selling capabilities are at a minimum, especially if you don’t know the product range! SalesPresenter has linked products so you can double or even triple the number of order lines in a matter of 2 taps, as well as bookmarking products and reviewing previous orders. Anna from Award Publications also said “improved product range visibility for customers”.

Lost sales

All of the above bugbears lead to lost sales, this may put your company in jeopardy as each sale lost is another competitor’s sale gained. SalesPresenter eliminated these 5 mistakes and much more!

Guaranteed to elevate your business!


Author bauser

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